Monday, April 27, 2009

JGhostInfoceptor project started, and open source.

Yes, I've decided to open-source my GhostInfoceptor and have disbanded the original GhostInfoceptor which was written in Python and renamed it as JGhostInfoceptor written in (yep you guessed it) Java.

So far I'm very pleased with how Java deals with buffers and it's garbage collection. It parses the log file very quickly and I believe it could be quite easy to make this application multi-threaded if I needed to.

Anyways I am using GIT for the distributed version control system as I really like it's philosophy and helps me keep track of everything quite easily.

You're all welcome to fork my repository and start making your improvements to propose and I will gladly take the time to consider third-party improvements.

JGhostInfoceptor Repository link

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