Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mibbit is the answer to keeping IRC popular

I've always been an IRC guy and maybe that makes me a little biased on this topic. But over the years, I come to love IRC more and more each time I use it. It's ability to connect hundreds of people chatting simultaneously is still astonishing. 

It's no surprise that IRC might not appeal to the new day and age with clients like Xchat, Mirc; however Mibbit has done an outstanding job at making IRC very approachable for an IRC newbie.

Not only is Mibbit a very fast IRC client, it's also browser based built with AJAX technologies. That means you can sign in to your Mibbit profile from any computer with a web browser.

The only downside to Mibbit is that it's not a stand alone client. Apart from that Mibbit is as good of a client as it'll get!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The last.fm radio station

It seems like the world wide web has been socially interactive since we can remember ever using the internet on a daily basis. It started with groups like AOL, communication software like ICQ, online gaming platforms like Battle.net, and web sites like CNET. Seven years ago Yahoo decided to make a legal attempt at bringing commercial music to the web in the form of an online web radio station. Unfortunately this service was filled with advertisements, bad sound quality, bad portability (Uses and Requires closed-source Microsoft technologies). 

A lot of the web has been talking about last.fm and I decided to give it a try just recently, and in response I would like to give it two thumbs up!
It's simple, it's great, it's cross platform, it's free, and it does what it's suppose to do, play music! 

In my opinion, what makes last.fm really stand out is that it has a very noncommercial feel to it, ads are at the bottom of the web-site, the last.fm client which can be compiled for pretty much any platform Win/Linux/Mac has no advertisements on it. 

The standalone client really deserves recognition, it is open-source so that means anyone can look at the code and modify it to their pleasing. You can even turn it into a plug in for your favorite media player. Last.fm is definitely a great tool for all of us to use and I am very thankful.